Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Some Useful Free Security Tools From Avira

As according to CNET Avira is the best in the available free anti-virus but they also provide some free security tools for protect your computer from virus,spy-ware,malware etc.Some tools also provide facility tp protect your data on your pc.Details of the tools and their features are as follows.

  • Avira Antivir removal tools
                 If you do not want to use Avira Antivirus directly you should try this tool.You do not have to install it in your computer just unpack it and use it, as it is not installed in your computer it will not affect performance of you another antivirus program.You can remove following type of viruses with tool version

  1. Worm/Sober.J
  2. Worm/Sober.P
  3. Worm/Sober.Y
  4. W32/Stanit.A
  5. Worm/NetSky.AA
  6. Worm/NetSky.B.1
  7. Worm/NetSky.C
  8. Worm/Netsky.D.Dam
  9. Worm/NetSky.P
  10. Worm/NetSky.X
  11. Worm/Mytob.IN.2 
for more use the free antivirus program..

  •  Anti Rootkit tool
                 Rootkits are legally used in some program this tool is used to remove the rootkit from your computer.

  • Boot sector repair tool
               Some harmful viruses are directly affect your bootsector of your computers under DOS but this tool is useful for remove this kind of viruses.

  • NTFS4DOS Personal
               This tool enables you to access NTFS drives DOS based operating system also provide data backup and make bootable disk of complete system.

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